The world looks better with sunlight

Get ready to live brighter

At St. Modwen Homes, we have a motto – ‘more height and more light’ – and it’s at the heart of how we build our homes. Sunlight dispels the gloom, boosts the body and makes all the difference if you’re working from home. So our homes have higher ceilings and larger windows than most other housebuilders.

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We build brighter homes

We’re experts at engineering light into space

We use architecture and design to make the best use of natural light so you can enjoy the outside in the comfort of your own home. Enjoy the sun burst into your master bedroom in the morning and notice it pass through your home office over the course of the day. Then, as it sets, sit back and unwind in the cosy evening glow.

Extra natural light isn’t just great news for you – your house plants will love it too. And with less need for artificial lighting, you’ll benefit from lower energy bills.

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Let there be light

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