Four simple energy-saving hacks for the home 

As we move through what is traditionally the coldest part of the year, many people will be fiddling with thermostats and looking to stay as warm as possible. However, with the recent rise in the energy price cap, many people are looking at how they can improve the efficiency of their homes, so they can boost their comfort without driving up their bills.

Here, we’ve put together some really simple energy-saving hacks which can help your family save money on utility bills this winter.

Four simple energy-saving hacks for the home  image

1. Bleed your radiators ahead of colder temperatures arriving

Over time air bubbles can accumulate within radiators, meaning that they do not heat up as effectively as they may have done previously. By bleeding them, you can remove the excess air and improve the efficiency of radiators across your home to improve your home heating without having to turn up the thermostat, you’ll be amazed by the difference this can make.

Bleeding a radiator is a very simple process:

  • Turn your boiler off – this is an important first step, once this is done you should then allow sufficient time for any radiators to cool, ensuring you’re not encountering any boiling water
  • Get your bleed key – if you don’t have one, you can get them for next to nothing in most hardware or DIY shops
  • Open the bleed valve – use this bleed key to gently turn your valve a quarter turn anti-clockwise. Position a towel or bowl underneath the valve just in case water comes out
  • Close the bleed valve – don’t worry about the hissing noise, it’s just air escaping
  • Once the hissing stops, close the valve again tightly

This simple hack which takes no longer than a few minutes can reduce your energy bills by up to 20% over the course of a year.

Four simple energy-saving hacks for the home  image

2. Turn off standby appliances

Turning off standby plugs is the simplest advice for anyone looking to improve their home’s energy efficiency. Whether it’s unused lamps or kitchen appliances such as kettles or toasters, switching off these appliances at the wall, rather than leaving them on standby, helps reduce energy outputs.

If you struggle to remember to do this daily, purchasing smart plugs and timers can help you to manage this automatically – alternatively, set yourself a daily reminder on your smartphone or via your smart home technology.

Four simple energy-saving hacks for the home  image

3. Don’t heat empty rooms for the sake of it

Most if not all UK homes will have a radiator in every room of the house, but not all rooms will be used the same amount of time. For example, you may have a guest bedroom that is untouched for most of the week, or perhaps a bathroom that only gets used when guests come to stay with you.

It’s important to turn radiators off in the least used rooms within the house. This simple hack can cut 4.5% from Brits’ energy bills, meaning an extra £50 off!

4. Heat yourself up, not the room temperature

All the previous hacks are aimed at reducing overall home energy usage or being smarter with how your energy is used at different time. However, it is possible to get by without turning your energy on at all – that’s if you’re clever and don’t mind layering up at home.

A one-off payment for an electric blanket will mean you’re warm at night and can cost as little as 3p an hour to use, in comparison to a whopping 22p per hour for standard energy supplies. This is a great way to wrap-up when you come in from the cold!

All of these quick and simple tips will make a difference to the long-term energy-efficiency of your home. To find out more about how our award-winning, energy-efficient homes can save families up to £2,579 on their utility bills per year, click here.

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