Small changes to help save your pennies!

We’re marking Cut Your Energy Costs Day with some handy pointers on lowering your bills through small adjustments to the ways you consume and monitor energy around the house. All of our homes are built with energy efficiency in mind, meeting the latest environmental standards, so we’re starting you on the right foot when it comes to reducing your monthly expenses. Here are a few more ways to save money, and be greener, in your new home…

  • Installing a Nest Learning Thermostat. We offer the Nest thermostat across all our developments*, but did you know installing it could help reduce your spending and let you live a greener lifestyle? The smart device programs itself to know when you like your heating on and even at what temperature. There are sensors to register when you leave the house to go to work so it knows when to switch to Eco Temperatures mode. And if you’re going home earlier than usual, you can turn up the heating from your mobile phone to ensure receive a warm welcome when walking through the front door.
  • Get the most for your money with the right tariff. It’s easy to avoid the hassle of switching suppliers, but by checking comparison sites such as uSwitch you might end up saving yourself more money than you think…
  • Put on a jumper and snuggle up under a blanket. Although it can be tempting to crank up the heating when temperatures plummet outside, you can dodge a hike in your bills by simply getting cosy on the sofa. According to the Energy Saving Trust, reducing room temperatures by just 1ºC can cut heating bills by up to £75 a year.
  • Be a clever cook. Simple swaps in the kitchen can help to reduce the amount of electricity and gas you use. For example, repeatedly opening the oven door causes it to use more energy maintaining the temperature. There are other quick tricks too, like keeping lids on your pots and choosing the oven over the microwave where possible.
  • Light up your room with LEDs. Whether it’s a ceiling fitting or the lamp on your bedside table, LED lightbulbs are the best choice, using almost 90% less energy than a traditional incandescent bulb.
  • And finally, an easy fix that’s often overlooked. Don’t leave gadgets on standby and turn off plug sockets when not in use, it’s the best place to start bringing down the cost of your monthly bills!
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